No Regrets

If you were to die tonight what regrets would you have?

The other day I told you was was reading a book that discussed writing a magic list rather than a bucket list and gave me a list of questions to develop this list and a vision for it. The first question asked what would you do with your day if money was not a problem. And my answer was I would continue my life the way it is now without worry or stress that the bills would get paid. That pressure would be off. The second question If you were to die tonight what regrets would you have? Wow what a doozy. 

I have always said that I have no regrets in my life. Every decision I have made has lead me to this point and given me so much. Even the “mistakes” and I wouldn’t trade a minute of it. With that being said there are things I want to do and things I want to experience that would be the icing on the cake. A dream list yes but wouldn’t it be great to have those dreams come true? 
