The Battle

When my oldest got to that argumentative age, you know 2-3 years old, my mom told me to pick your battles. Even with your kids, it's not important to win every battle and not every battle is worth the argument and stress. So when Andrew agued every morning that the sun was setting, after trying to explain the difference, I had to just say ok. When my second son, Rhett, came along and turned out to be more stubborn than the first, my choice in the morning was get out the door on time or making sure he put on all his clothes the right way. I choose getting out the door. Everything may have been backwards, but hey he was dressed and he did it himself.

Now we come to Josh, my youngest, and the battle he chooses to wage daily....sleep. This is a battle I won't give on. I feel sleep is too important to give in on. It affects your health, concentration, mood, and overall well being. While I have compromised some and changed their bedtimes from eight to nine we still have a nightly argument about going to bed. Apparently I am not the cool mom because his best friend can stay up until ten.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, while we all know sleep is important we don't get the recommended hours of sleep or make sleep a priority. The foundation has revised its suggested hours of sleep to:

To make sleep a priority the foundation suggests: Stick to a sleep schedule, even on weekends. Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual. Exercise daily. Evaluate your bedroom to ensure ideal temperature, sound and light. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows. Beware of hidden sleep stealers, like alcohol and caffeine. Turn off electronics before bed.

While his argument to stay up until ten may fall into the lowest recommended time, I will still send him to bed at nine knowing he will take his time putting on his pajamas, brushing his teeth (which is a battle for another time), and using the bathroom. What he doesn't realize is I know his stalling techniques take about 45 minutes and he is not crawling into bed until about 10 anyway.

Pick your battles, let them win the little ones, and don't give up on the important ones.

**I am not an expert, just a mom, and choosing my battles is just a tool that works for me.
