Work/Home Balance

Balance, balance, balance is the challenge and key this week. Work this week is going to be crazy, hectic, stressful, and at the front of my thoughts. All of which makes it hard to balance work, home, and volunteer organizations. Especially when I feel tired and burned out before the week starts. One graphic that I saw on Pinterest (probably my favorite app) had a way to keep everything level without it feeling overwhelming

1.  Stay healthy. My hubby and I workout every morning so my focus will have on eating healthy and getting enough sleep.

2.Plan your day. My two younger boys have birthdays this week so I know I have to get treats in order, I have a legion meeting tonight, and I need to work on tomorrow's blog. The graphic say to plan three things, work 50 minutes and break for 10, and take time to reflect at the end of the day.

3.Keep learning by reading, browsing, and brainstorming. The will be my time for personal development and research.

4.Finally, focus on what makes you happy. Express gratitude for the good things during the day. Clean and declutter, it actually referred to your desk but you feel better when your home is taken care of too. Indulge in your favorite things by setting time for yourself. If your not taking time for you, you won't be able to take care of anyone else.  
