Friends, Enemies, Brothers

As a parent there are things we just know or come to learn. Little rules like your kids always want your attention when your talking on the phone or have to run to the bathroom.  Sometimes it's better to pick your battles. How about the unwritten rule about how our kids are better with someone else then they are with us. 

This summer the two boys I still have at home, have been home for the summer.  Now, we were a little afraid of what may happen. The months leading up to summer the boys had fought more than normal. So we expected lots of phone calls with this one did that, and the other wouldn't let me do whatever. Luckily, the summer has been pretty quiet on that front front. Yet here's what I can't quite wrap my head around. These two boys, who have the normal brotherly love hate relationship, can get along for 9 hours. Amazingly though, minute I walk through the door they can't breath the same air, look the same direction, or like the same things. It's like mom being home is some magical switch to want to fight and bicker with each other.  The more they bicker and the more frustrated I get, the more they think it's funny.  Some of this is just normal brotherly stuff, some is my 13 year olds hormones, some is like a game to them, but all of it drives me crazy. 

The craziest part...after about an hour they are once again friends. 
