In Five Years...

I haven’t given up on that list yet, it’s amazing how getting sick can wipe you out for a week even when your really just missable a couple days. We’ve come to that part of the magic list where we look way out, ok for me way out, and see where we want to be. Five years from now, where do you want to be in your life?

Personally, even as a planner, five years seems so far away. The possibilities and “what if’s” bog me down and dart me off into so many directions I can’t look that far out. Especially if I were to look back at the last five years and examine the twists and turns that have led me here. 

So here goes nothing. In a perfect world, where I have complete control and there’s no other possibilities or “what if’s” hanging around I see my businesses thriving, us living in our dream home where our kids want to come back to often, my health and fitness back on track, time to travel, and the constant feeling of peace and happiness that comes from finding your version of success. 
